Why Does My Thermostat Click When It Comes On?
A thermostat box rests mounted on a home’s wall, mostly unnoticed. People in the house do get up to raise and lower the temperature as needed. The bulk of the time, however, they don’t think about the thermostat. They may hear it and wonder why the it makes clicking noises, though. Here are a few possible reasons why.
The Relay Causes Clicking
A gas-powered furnace also relies on electricity to operate. The thermostat requires electricity to send signals to the furnace to increase or decrease the temperature. An electrical relay allows the power release to open and close, and this relay can create a clicking sound. If you worry about problems with your thermostat and furnace, Mario's AC has technicians available for inspections. Customers in and around Hudson who are interested in a new heater can request installation work as well.
Dealing With Mounting Screws
Thermostats rely on screws to remain mounted on the wall. Few people would think the screws would cause clicking, but they might. Everything depends on how loose or tight the screws are. Too much in either direction may lead to clicking. Fixing the tension on the screws might eliminate the problem.
Issues With the Wall
The wall where the thermostat is mounted can factor into the clicking. A typical wall probably won’t cause any issues, but a hollow one could support annoying clicking. When the walls connect to a high ceiling, this can also set a course for clicking. Moving the thermostat to a different mounting spot may address the wall-related clicking noise.
A Muffling Option
Insulating the thermostat may drive down the clicking sound. Insulating the thermostat, however, must be done right. Otherwise, the insulation steps could interfere with the operation of the thermostat.
Mario's AC can send a technician to perform a 34-point inspection on your furnace. Our experienced, NATE-certified technicians handle other duties while at your home, such as AC repair, and we also provide duct cleaning and air quality services, too. Call the office today for more information.