AC Dangers: What You Should Never Do
AC issues often develop when homeowners fail to provide a high level of care to the appliance each season. Problems tend to form due to damaged parts or overuse. If you want to avoid costly repairs or replacements, here are a few mistakes that you should avoid making.
1. Improperly Sized Systems
AC systems that are improperly sized for the building can become a big issue down the road. Many homeowners make the mistake of installing a larger AC system thinking that it’ll cool the interior setting better than a smaller unit. Unfortunately, this will lead to insufficient power usage and changes in temperature. You’ll need to rely on a professional from a company like Mario's AC in Hudson to perform a load calculation to ensure the accurate size of unit is installed.
2. Incorrect Thermostat Settings
Avoid turning the air conditioner lower than necessary when you’re attempting to cool the home quickly. The thermostat will skip past your desired temperature and will waste energy attempting to get to the low temperature that you set. Keep the thermostat at 76 to 79 degrees, which is where most people are comfortable. Every degree makes a difference of 7% in the amount of power that is consumed by the air conditioner.
3. Failing to Change the Air Filter
Forgetting to change the air filter can be costly because it will cause the AC system to work too hard to operate to cool the home, while also leading to a lack of airflow. Eventually, the parts will wear down quicker and will require replacement. Failing to clean or replace the filter can also affect the air quality in the building.
Contact Mario's AC today to get help with maintaining your air conditioner. Our crew has more than 80 years of combined experience in the industry. Furthermore, we’re a Lennox factory-authorized dealer that can handle heating and cooling system installations. We also provide indoor air quality services for residents throughout Hudson and the surrounding areas.